Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Epitome of Deliciousness

Wow, that's a cheesy post title. Whatevs.*

*Update 08/25/10: I had to change the title of the post. It was just too much.

With this recipe, I believe I've reached the zenith of my cooking career thus far. Prior to this, I had never eaten a galette before let alone cooked one, but I had an overflow of squash from my CSA and decided to test it out. I wasn't too concerned because the recipe came from Smitten Kitchen; if you've ever cooked one of her recipes you would understand.

If you cook just one recipe from my blog, I beg it to be this one. There is only one snag, and it's that the crust has an entire stick of butter in it. And if you're like me, you will eat half of this galette in one sitting. You do the math. It ain't pretty.

If you are done with bathing suits for the season and/or are willing to skip the next meal and/or actually have the willpower to only eat one slice, then read ahead!