One of the first breakfasts Don ever cooked for me was his childhood favorite: egg-in-a-hole. I had never heard of it, but once I tried it I was certainly won over. Didn't hurt Don's cause either. Recently I got the idea to get creative with this classic breakfast by cooking the egg in sliced red bell peppers instead of bread. What a great and tasty twist (thanks,
Food Mag)!
There is no real recipe, so take a look at the pics below for a visual how-to:
Artistic "before" shot - isn't it glam?
Eggs cookin' in the skillet: note sunny-side egg at the top; that's Don's. I like my yolk broken and cooked.
Finished product! The eggs were served over sliced, toasted bagels (straight from Brooklyn, thanks to our summer squatter, Clydesdale!)
that's AWESOME! can't wait to try it!