Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I've Got Duck Quarters

Duck quarters from Kam Sam, "marinating" in shallots, garlic, and thyme

...in my fridge, right now, preserving themselves in an extremely large vat of duck fat. The same duck fat in which the quarters simmered for 3 hours. This is gonna be healthy.

Simmah Dannah!

My parents are coming to visit and I'm tackling a traditional cassoulet, the ingredients of which need to be prepared starting 3 weeks prior. This is the big time.


More to come in the next few weeks!!


  1. I am so frightened... and intrigued.

    Especially about how the rest of your night will go with a house full of people who just finished a bean & fat-filled dinner. ::shudder::

  2. Oh man... didn't think about that. So, your place for dessert?
